What's new in TOPKAPI v.2.5:
- The user can choose between 4 or 8 directions to create the river network of the model.
- Possibility to run many simulations simultaneously.
- Added the alarm thresholds panel settable for each station.
- Elevation limit for application of parabolic routing settable in panel Width of the visual interface.
- Added the possibility to choose the coloring theme of the visual interface.
- Management of the discharge input data columns has been increased up to a total of 250.
- Snow routine was modified in order to manage different albedo values depending on land use of the cell.
What's new in TOPKAPI v.2.4:
- Missing pixels in DEM map are now filled in automatically.
- LookUp tables can now contain up to 20'000 rows.
- Strahler orders table now contains 10 orders automatically.
- The total number of TOPKAPI output points was increased to 200.
- A control was added to differential equation solution in soil component to reduce instability.
- Improved input data management for reservoirs data.
What's new in TOPKAPI v.2.3:
- A new tool was added to PROGEA plug-in, it's called "Edit Raster". It allows you to modify raster layers inside any MapWindowGIS project.
- A new tool was added to TPKView to compute simulation's indexes like Nash, R, etc. The tool is called "Calculate Simulation Indexes".
- I.TOPKAPI and TPKView are now available in Chinese!
A 60-days TRIAL Version is available. REGISTER or use the following LINK to request a trial version of TOPKAPI.
Students can get a fully functional version free of charge.